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10 मिलीलीटर ड्रॉपर बोतल भारत

Do you hate spilling liquids everywhere? It can really be annoying when you accidentally; pour chemicals and drugs over your closet, spill them into the foods in ref etc. Well Yixin has got you sorted. The 10 ml एम्बर ग्लास ड्रॉपर बोतलें Yixin is an ideal product for your home to measure and pour the liquid very precisely. The round disc-tops are secured by a lip balm twister and allow you to pour your liquids out in the exact amounts that you need, enabling it go further than an ordinary scent spritzer.

2) "Perfect for essential oils and other liquids

This little bottle is ideal for your oils, perfumes and everything in between. It ensures that the air and light would not get to your liquids. What this means is that your scents will last all the more perpetually, as well as essential oils. You can also use it with liquids such as but, paint and ink for your art project. So you can get creative without the mess.

Why choose Yixin 10 ml dropper bottle?

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